Light Control in Home Theater Settings
Home theater enthusiasts have long known that even the best displays on the market require careful control of room lighting for optimal performance. That’s why when we’re helping our customers design the ultimate home theater experience, we urge them to take extra time to consider light control options; it’s an often overlooked part of home theater design that can make an enormous difference when it’s time to watch a movie.
One of the benefits of whole-house home automation has always been having a finer degree of control over particular portions of your home “zones,” in the parlance of home automation professionals. This benefit is nowhere more apparent than in the case of homes that incorporate a dedicated home theater, where the typically-controlled elements of home automation are part and parcel to improving the movie-watching experience.
Light control is practically the heart and soul of home automation, and in a home theater setting those capabilities truly shine. For a system robust enough to control every light in a home, adjusting them for optimal comfort and safety throughout changing conditions over the course of days and nights, it becomes a trivially simple matter to have lights dim when a movie begins in a house’s home theater room, and fully automatically – perhaps even dimming just slightly during the opening credits and going to full black once the film begins.
Then, at the end of a movie, home automation systems can be programmed to raise the lights gradually as the credits roll, allowing movie viewers the opportunity to adjust their eyes slowly to a brightening room, rather than all at once. For longer films that seem to be increasingly popular among home theater viewers, this sort of gentle nudge back into the real world is much more pleasant.
For more information on home theater light control and our many other services, contact us today!