Limestone Creek is a small town in Florida. Limestone Creek has been growing for the past few years, and it’s not slowing down anytime soon. Limestone Creek is a great place to raise kids, retire, or start your business! Limestone Creek offers many opportunities for people who are looking to make their lives better. Jupiter, FL can be seen here.
Limestone Creek is a unique destination that brings together art, history, and nature. It was initially founded in the 1800s as an essential port for timber exports from nearby cypress swamps. Then it became a critical link on Florida’s first railroad system, which brought supplies to Everglades City during the U.S.- Seminole Wars of 1817-1858. Limestone Creek served as the county seat until 1861, when Monroe County was created by carving out this part of southern Collier County, then home to one of America’s most famous outlaws, “King Fisher” (real name: Charles Leslie). Limestone Creek continued its central commerce hub throughout World War II with fishing operations, canning, and phosphate mining. Limestone Creek is now known as the art capital of Southwest Florida, with many galleries featuring local artists’ work. Limestone Creek also has a rich history with museums like Old Everglades Pioneer Settlement which tells stories about early settlers who lived in this area to farm cattle and grow vegetables for export downriver by flatboat or steamboat to Key West; Sugar Mill Ruins State Park preserves relics of an abandoned sugar mill that date back to the 1890s; then Lemon Bay Historical Society Museum displays historical artifacts from Limestone Creek’s past (and present). See here for information about Tequesta, Florida: A Paradise for Outdoor Adventure.